Wound Care Systems

Vacuum Assisted Black Foam Installation Closing Sets

Catalog No Label Name
ST032 Small Foam Closure Set-D
ST033 Medium Foam Closure Set-D
ST034 Large Foam Closure Set-D
ST035 X-Large Foam Closure Set-D

Set Content

  • Black Foam (small-medium-large-extra large),
  • Transparent sticky drape,
  • Connection port and tube,
  • Skin cleansing wipes and ruler
  • Serum set
  • Set Content


Catalaog No Label Name
ST224 Small closure set -Y
ST225 Medium closure set -Y
ST226 Large closure set -Y

Set Content

  • Black Foam (small-medium-large),
  • Transparent sticky drape,
  • Connection port and tube,
  • Skin cleansing wipes and ruler
  • Serum set
  • Y-Connector



STIMUX® Foam properties in the sets

  • The hydrophobic, open pore structure facilitates exudate absorption.
  • Provides tissue growth in the wound area.
  • The open pore structure allows the negative pressure to spread homogeneously to the wound area.